You may be a developer looking for concrete floors for a new industrial estate. You may be a factory owner requiring a new concrete yard or floor reconstruction. We undertake power-floated concrete floor construction and repair, heavy-duty concrete freight yards, durable materials handling yards and light storage yards, offering construction, extension and repair. We also construct asphalt roads and car parks.
Offering solutions that cause minimum disruption.
Perhaps your forklift repair bills are becoming too high due to the poor state of your concrete floors or yards? Perhaps your uneven floors or concrete yards cause loads to be spilled creating loss and wastage of products and materials? Are your warehouse floor joints deteriorating and causing narrow aisle trucks to become unsafe? Are you running out of usable space for storage or production? Are poor surfaces a Health & Safety issue with trip hazards?
Expansion or maintenance, whatever your needs, contact C.C. Contracting Ltd. We understand the needs of industry and can devise solutions that cause minimum disruption to your business.